Women’s Bible Studies.
Bible Studies at Pleasant Grove Community Church are where you’ll experience real life with friends and family. Find a time and location best for you!
Current Bible Study Groups.
Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life
A video study with Jennifer Rothschild
Tuesdays: 10AM, Starts January 16th
Facilitator: Carolyn Storey
Contact: 916-730-6058 or nannac710@gmail.com
Location: PGCC Choir Room
Cost: $24
This study invites you to live assured, faithful, chosen, humble, justly, prayerfully, and hopeful. This kind of living will bring us and others around us peace and prosperity. Amos is promoting the God life, and, the God life is the good life.
Jeremiah: Daring to Hope in an Unstable World
A video study with Melissa Spoelstra
Wednesdays: 11AM, January 18th - April 10th
Facilitator: Barbara Latter
Contact: 916-390-9706 Email: gblatter@comcast.net
Location: PGCC Choir Room
Cost: $15
In the book of Jeremiah we find God calling out to His people with a message of hope - a message that intentional living is possible, even in a world gone crazy. In this video study, we’ll see how Jeremiah offers women hope for living in an uncertain world by learning to navigate the challenges and circumstances of their lives..