What’s Happening at PGCC?

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
December, 24th at 4 PM
Let's celebrate Christmas together! Join us December 24th at 4 PM for our Candlelight Service.

Christmas Game Day
Friday, December 20th
11:00 AM @PGCC
Come and play fun games and enjoy a time of fellowship together.

Solo Sisters
Thursday, Dec. 19th at
10:30 AM @PGCC
Cost $5. Sign Up Dec. 8th & 15th
This month's Solo Sisters event is a Breakfast and Ornament Exchange. Please bring a wrapped ornament to exchange and sign up beginning December 8th.

Women’s Ministry Christmas Brunch
Saturday, Dec. 14th at 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
@ Timber Creek Ballroom at the Lodge
Cost is $30. Sign-ups beginning Nov. 24th
Sign up for this year's Women's Ministries Christmas Luncheon! Stop by the table beginning Sunday November 24th to buy tickets.
Speaker: Pastor Braden Kok - Locality Church
Ministry Spotlight: Loaves & Fishes

PGCC Christmas Concert
PGCC Christmas Concert
Sunday, December 8th
3:00 PM @PGCC
Concert presented by the Pleasant Grove Community Church Adult Choir, also featuring a Children's Choir, special music, and congregational singing of carols.
The concert will conclude with the cantata, "This is Christmas", celebrating the heart of Christmas.
This free event is approximately 1 hour, 15 minutes long and open to the public.
Doors open at 2:30 pm.

Solo Sisters
Thursday, November 21st at 12 PM @PGCC
Speaker: Linda Sommerville
Cost $10. Sign Up November 10th & 17th

Thanksgiving Food Drive
Thanksgiving Food Drive
We are collecting non-perishable food for our local, St Vincent De Paul food bank that serves over 400 families a week.
Bring in your food to the church by Sunday Nov. 17th.
Get your neighbors involved by picking up flyers at the church and passing them out on your block.

A Grateful Heart
A Grateful Heart
Saturday, November 16th, 9:30-12:30
As we move into the busyness of Thanksgiving and Christmas, we invite you to a morning of spiritual refreshment and caring fellowship focused on cultivating a grateful heart.
Led by Sharon Stenger, our time together will include Scripture, prayer, time alone with God, small group conversation, and inspiration for filling our days with gratitude, regardless of the circumstances of our lives. This time will expand your heart, soul and life!

Surviving the Holidays
Tuesday, Nov. 12th from 1:00 PM
Cost is $5. Sign up November 3rd & 10th
Wondering how you will survive the weeks surrounding the holidays?
Are you dreading these holidays, knowing that everything has changed and happy memories from past years can’t be recreated?
The Surviving the Holidays seminar is especially for people who are grieving a loved one’s death.You’ll learn:
How to deal with the many emotions you’ll face during the holidays
What to do about traditions and other coming changes
Helpful tips for surviving social events
How to discover hope for your future.
For more information or to sign up call:
Kay Thomson, Facilitator, (408) 836-3311

Chili Cookoff
Join us for a Chili Cookoff on Sunday, November 3rd at 5:00PM.
If you would like to enter the contest, sign ups will be on October 20th & 27th or enter at the link below.

Solo Sisters
Thursday, October 24th at 12 PM @PGCC
Speakers: Marla Shuman & Linda Tucker
Cost $10. Sign Up October 13th & 20th

the Bible Game Show
Friday, November 22nd
11:00 AM @PGCC
Have you ever wanted to be on a gameshow and learn more about the Bible at the same time?
Well, now is your chance! Learn more about the Bible while playing classic community games like Faithful Feud, Holy Word Squares, Who wants to be a Biblical Millionaire?, and many other Bible themed shows.
Don't worry these will be team games so everyone around your table works together. Prizes include many delicious snacks such as bread, fish, and living water!
Everyone is welcome to fellowship together so please invite a friend.

Joyous Brass Concert
Joyous Brass
Their Farewell Concert
Sunday October 20th, 4PM
Freewill offering will be taken

Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child
Helping the neediest children around the world
Pick and fill your shoebox starting Sunday, October 20th
Return it by Sunday, Nov. 24th or sooner

Original PGCC Members Lunch
Original PGCC Members Lunch
Thursday, October 3rd: Noon at PGCC
If you were part of our church when it still met at the Timbers in Sun City, the Staff and Leadership Team are hosting a special catered lunch just for you. We want to say thank you, in a special way, for your dedication, your love, your faithfulness to God and the body of Christ expressed as Pleasant Grove Community Church. Without you, all the things that have happened and all the things that God will do in the future, could not have happened. So we want to say thank you, and we want to hear your stories about the beginnings of this church.
The lunch is FREE but YOU MUST RSVP! If you were part of this church when our building was being built please sign up for the lunch in the church lobby this Sunday or next or call the church office at 916-771-4447.
IF YOU NEED A RIDE because you can no longer drive, please let us know and we will work on arranging to pick you up and take you back home.

Bible Bingo
Friday, September 27th at 11 AM @ PGCC
Would you like to play Bingo and learn all sorts of interesting things about the Bible? Then join us Friday, September 27th at 11:00am in the worship center.
This is a free event and everyone is welcome!

Solo Sisters
Thursday, September 26th at 12 PM @PGCC
Birthday Bash: Celebrating Everyone's Birthday
Cost $10. Sign Up September 15th & 22nd

Men’s Breakfast
Men's Breakfast
Wednesday, September 25th at 9:00 AM @PGCC
Tickets are $5.
Sign Up September 22nd

Core 101 - Discover PGCC
Discover PGCC!
Saturday, August 24th at 9:20am @PGCC
Find out who we are, what we believe and value, where we're headed and how you can be involved. If you are interested in finding out more about PGCC, or about becoming a member, please join us.

Bible Bingo & Ice Cream
Friday, August 23rd at 11 AM @ PGCC
Sign up August 11th & 18th
Would you like to play Bingo, eat Ice Cream, and learn all sorts of interesting things about the Bible? Then join us Friday, August 23rd at 11:00am in the worship center. There's no better way to beat the heat! This is a free event and everyone is welcome!
If you can't sign up in the lobby, please call the church office (we just want to get a count so we have enough ice cream).

Solo Sisters
Thursday, August 22nd at 12 PM @PGCC
Guest Speaker: Beth Hassett From W.E.A.V.E.
Cost $10. Sign Up August 11th & 18th

Noah the Movie
Saturday, August 17th
1-4 PM @ PGCC
Sign up August 11th
Women's Ministries presents Noah's Ark - A Sight & Sound Musical Drama Production from Branson MO. This is an all church event and everyone is invited to watch this filmed presentation that will be shown at PGCC on Saturday, August 17th from 1-4 PM.
This is a FREE Event!
Ice Cream at Intermission
Questions: Contact Kay Thomson at kaypgcc@gmail.com

Summer Movie Days: The Chosen
Summer Movie Days are starting Tuesday, June 18th at 1:00 PM. We will be showing "The Chosen" on several Tuesdays in June, July and August.
Right now, the showings are on the calendar for June 18th & 25th, July 16th, 23rd & 30th, and August 6th. Hope you will join us.

Summer Movie Days: The Chosen
Summer Movie Days are starting Tuesday, June 18th at 1:00 PM. We will be showing "The Chosen" on several Tuesdays in June, July and August.
Right now, the showings are on the calendar for June 18th & 25th, July 16th, 23rd & 30th, and August 6th. Hope you will join us.

Summer Movie Days: The Chosen
Summer Movie Days are starting Tuesday, June 18th at 1:00 PM. We will be showing "The Chosen" on several Tuesdays in June, July and August.
Right now, the showings are on the calendar for June 18th & 25th, July 16th, 23rd & 30th, and August 6th. Hope you will join us.

Summer Movie Days: The Chosen
Summer Movie Days are starting Tuesday, June 18th at 1:00 PM. We will be showing "The Chosen" on several Tuesdays in June, July and August.
Right now, the showings are on the calendar for June 18th & 25th, July 16th, 23rd & 30th, and August 6th. Hope you will join us.

Kids Camp Celebration Service & All Church Cookout
Kids Camp Celebration & All Church Cookout
Sunday, July 14th
Service @ 10 AM. Cookout After
with PGCC & Locality Church
Featuring the kids from Kids Camp
Plus a Devotional message from Pastor Phil & Pastor Braden (of Locality)
Cookout for Everyone After the Service!
Grilled Hamburgers and Hot Dogs with all the fixin’s