Bible Studies.
Bible Studies at Pleasant Grove Community Church are where you’ll experience real life with friends and family. We have groups meeting all through the week for singles, men, women and more. Find a time and location best for you!
Find a Bible Study.
We have a wide range of different Bible study groups. Find the group that’s most convenient! These studies are open to all!
The Book of Galatians
Mondays: 11:00AM Starts: Ongoing
Facilitator: Don Woods, Ph.D.
Location: PGCC Conf. Rm #3
No Cost
*Study with Former Bible College Teacher & Retired Psychologist, 60 years of teaching the Bible.
Bible Promises for You
Mondays: 7:00-8:00PM Starts: January 22nd
Facilitator: Shirley Meloy
Contact: 916-749-3303 or
Location: Meet in home, call or email for address
No Cost, No Homework
We will be using our own personal Bibles, plus the provided paper-back book “Bible Promises for You”. During five Monday evening participants will discuss how selected promises for wisdom, peace and direction, could be applied to our own lives.
Connect with God, the Church, Your Purpose
Two Days & Times To Choose From
Days & Times: See Below
The Rooted Workbook is a 10-week, group-discipleship resource that introduces participants to foundational Christian beliefs and the 7 Rhythms of discipleship found in the New Testament, while providing experiential learning opportunities that challenge you to step outside your comfort zones and live out your faith.
Tuesdays: 3:00PM, Starts January 16th
Facilitators: Valerie Biggs & Jeannette Baldwin
Contacts: Valerie: 951-805-5576 Email:
Jeannette: 831-521-6101 Email:
Location: PGCC
Cost: $20
Wednesday: 6:00PM, Starts January 17th
Facilitators: Paul & Barbara Millermon
Contacts: Paul: 916-501-2151 Email:
Barbara: 916-580-8741 Email:
Location: PGCC
Cost: $20
For Women’s and Men’s Specific Bible Studies please visit our Women’s Ministry and Men’s Ministry Pages.
Fall Bible Studies
Join a study and grow in your knowledge of God.
Talk to a Leader.
Pastor Nathan
This is Pastor Nathan, he’s our Associate Pastor! He’d love to tell you more about our groups, just ask!